You wouldn't know it from the name, but Carcass Island is lovely: lots of wildlife, especially birds of various persuasions (penguins, wildfowl, perching and birds of prey.) The weather (and indeed the landscape) is not dissimilar to the Scottish islands. The cute-ometer was peaking again, as various baby creatures jostled for the attention of the assembled long lenses. I would refer specifically to one unimaginably cute set of chicks, but I've completely failed to find out what they're called. It won't be "duck"; it'll be "Greater Pin-Tailed Brown-Headed Magellanic Aquabeast" or something similarly elaborate.
This afternoon was our last landing: New Island, a private nature reserve, containing vast numbers of rockhopper penguins, black-browed albatrosses (just what we need, more albatrosses) and blue-eyed cormorants. Amongst MANY other things.
Highlight of the day: watching a baby penguin hatch. All together now: "aaaaaaaahhhhhh!"
No hang, on, that wasn't quite right...
Highlight of the day: having dinner with Neil Armstrong. Not quite as cute, but possibly even more memorable.